Zeitgeist: Women in Power

Thursday February 6th 2014
The defence ministers of Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Germany.

Here a picture truly does say a thousand words. You don’t need me to explain why it’s momentous.

The photograph  was taken on Saturday February 1 at around 3pm and on the telephone of the Dutch minister. From left to right Ine Eriksen Søreide (Norway), Karin Enström (Sweden), Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert (Netherlands) and Ursula von der Leyen (Germany): European defense ministers. It went viral on twitter this week.

Among the most powerful people in the world today: Angela Merkel (Chancellor of Germany), Dilma Rousseff (President of Brazil), Christine Lagarde (Head of the IMF) and Janet Yellen (Chairman of the Federal Reserve). This roll call would have been unthinkable just a decade ago.

Pallas Athena is, of course, the female warrior. She is the goddess of wisdom and strategy and surely the patron of any minister of defence – male or female. She is opposite Neptune (the camera) and the Moon lights up the opposition.

Pallas is in practical, skilful Virgo in the house of communications. You can’t help thinking Pallas wanted to be seen. The Pisces stellium – Mercury, Neptune, Moon, Chiron – is in the 9th house of broadcasting. This picture is a message.

Venus is in Capricorn. In itself this is a symbol of a woman in the seat of power, and on the day she had just turned forward away from Pluto. And meanwhile, the goddess of the sacred flame, the home fire is conjunct Mars, the god of war. Mars is, of course, currently in Libra, Venus’s own sign.

Part of the change in consciousness that astrologers believe is happening during this Uranus-Pluto square is this change in the role of women. I wrote a post about this a while ago: Why Uranus-Pluto Is A Feminist Aspect.

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  1. Jamma says:

    I love that Pisces is on the MC!

  2. weaver says:

    there are moments when the astro just has you beaming with its ability to speak, both to the individual and the group. I am not into twitter, etc so I would have missed this if you hadn’t shared it. way cool 🙂

  3. Anonymous says:

    Here is another one – Blythe Masters (22/03/69). We all know her. We all love her. After her one day stint at at CFTC, which she now blames a furious backlash on twitter for quickly exiting the position, I decided to look at her chart. Notable for myself is a tight conjunction from venus retrograding back into saturn. Could this be deception with material goods and belongings. Also a jupter/uranus conjunction. This has to be superfame right? Both opposite sun and chiron that are also conjunct. So a famous/big/career/personality. So why did she quit so fast. What comes to mind is saturn by transit quincunxing natal saturn/venus (within 3 degrees) and mars by transit opposing the saturn/venus conjunction (within 3 degrees again). Bad time to start a new job or wot!!

  4. Yes great women and great post. I watched Christine Lagarde’s ( Born 1st Jan!) Richard Dimbelby last week – still on Iplayer if you have access. She believes that women leaders bring 3 things to the table – listening, the desire to form a consensus and attention to risk. But my favourite quote in this talk about the future was ” the clues of the future can often be read in the tea-leaves of the past”!

  5. Anonymous says:

    I did Christine Lagardes chart and like Blythe Master has a uranus chiron opposition. Also a Jupiter/pluto conjunction big/money. Blythe Masters in her right ascension chart has a jupiter/pluto conjunction.

    I always thought that that the chiron/uranus would be fame in career, but because Richard Stallman (the ‘free’ software crusader has this as well it would mix withthe stamdard western interpretation ie uranus=computers. Serves me right for trying to mix two things together. Its simply a famous career.