Tag: Pope Francis

Shadow Planets
A few weeks ago I attended a seminar here in Oxford which included a discussion of the Vedic (or Indian) interpretation of the North and South Nodes by Adam Smith. The Vedic view turns out to be rather different from the widely held Western interpretation of the Nodes of the Moon as karmic — [...]
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Vatican Timing for the Trumps
The Vatican astrologers have been at it again. The meeting between Donald Trump and Pope Francis was timed at 8.33am local time, which put the Cancer Ascendant precisely square to Jupiter Rx in the 4th (the Pontiff on home turf). The United States is, of course, a Cancer Sun, so nice to greet [...]
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Tenderness Is Strength
Tenderness is strength: Cancer Rising, Moon conjunct Venus in Aquarius, Saturn in Pisces. Have a good weekend.
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Astrology of Now: The Eclipse, the Pope and the Hajj
The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia has this to say about more than 700 people being crushed to death at Mina during the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, the Hajj: “As for the things that humans cannot control, you are not blamed for them. Fate and destiny are inevitable.” Fate and destiny are by [...]
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Pope Francis: The Earth, Our Sister, Cries Out
“1. “L AUDATO SI’, mi’ Signore” – “Praise be to you, my Lord”. In the words of this beautiful canticle, Saint Francis of Assisi reminds us that our common home is like a sister with whom we share our life and a beautiful mother who opens her arms to embrace us. “Praise be to you, […]
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Astrology of Now: A Challenge to Faith
To one with faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible. Thomas Aquinas St Thomas Aquinas was not talking about belonging to a particular religion, since in his day — 13th century Italy — he could assume that his readers were inside the same [...]
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Mars In Libra In His Own Words
War (1924) by Otto Dix, who had Mars in Libra and turned his experience of battle into art Planets traditionally have signs which they love or hate, where they are comfortable or uncomfortable. The assignment of these rulerships happened a long time ago though — in another time and [...]
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Stop Press: Pope Francis’s Birth Time
Thanks to Astrodatablog for finding the birth time of the new pope, and yes, he has got Ceres on an angle. Birth time is given as 9pm, so I expect it is approximate. Click here to see how Ceres is important for popes.  
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All Change: What Do China and the Vatican Share?
Pope Francis. More than half of the denizens of this planet have just had a new leader chosen for them. Two small groups of powerful people within two vast, and rather arcane institutions have voted in two new leaders on opposite sides of the world. President Xi Jinping We have a new Pope, [...]
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The Popes and the Mother Goddess
Benedict XVI steps down tomorrow Pope Benedict XVI has the chart of a true “Prince of the Church“. He has the two planets of power, Saturn and Jupiter,  near the axes of his chart. This is something you see in royalty, people born to rule. In the case of the Pope, Jupiter is in the [...]
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